Hi erverybody,
if you're not interested in my grief, just try it out: http://silverstripe.org/database-plumber-module/
I've been working with the new SS database adapters a lot lately. Debugging SQL queries while switching between MySQL, SQL Server, Postgres and SQLite can be quite a pain:
- My phpMyAdmin by default uses backticks instead of double quotes. So if you want to just copy a failing query from an SS error msg to phpMyAdmin you always have to replace one withe the other.
- For SQL Server I'm using a virtual win 2008 box on a remote machine. The machine is terribly slow. A right click in SQL Server Management Studio for my SS database takes !10 SECONDS! to get the context menu, not speaking of the Management Studio using a different syntax then the one in PHP (square brackets instead of doublequotes and other peculiarities)
- I have 3 different SQLite versions on my mac (?) and the command line, the firefox plugin client and SS are all using differnt ones. The problem is that the different versions behave VERY differently, so you can't just try a query in your firefox sqlite manager and be sure that you get the same result in SS.
- I don't have a Postgres client installed at all.
This is all manageble but wouldn't it be nice to just have a box to hack in your SQL command and use your native SS database connection? I added some db browsing and record CRUD functions.
I hope it will be useful for someone else as well. It's alpha at the moment and has some issues in IE which I will look into soon, so try out with FF/Chrome/Safari. Your feedback would be appreciated.