I have a problem.
I have Staff Page as described in SS first tutorials.
I have a number of images used.
They are stored by CMS in assets/Uploads/_resampled
THe problem is that when you resize image, delete image or upload a new one via SS control panel..
old resampled page are still there..
SO I need to force CMS to resample images..
According to the documentation
the way it used to be is to put images/flush to the end of URL (http://doc.silverstripe.org/urlvariabletools)
But this leads to "PAge not found" instead of resampling..
SO I suggested that in SS 2.4 there are some changes.. but I couldn't trace them in changes log..
I found a ticket at bug track system
So the method described in documentation is not working. I can't resample cashed images.
Moreover I cant access _resampled directory to manually delete files.. cause it is somehow protected...
What can I do?