I have a news module available at http://github.com/nyeholt/silverstripe-news which you might find useful. It's not completely documented at all, but is usable in its current state.
One nice feature is that it will perform automatic 'filing' of articles in a date based tree. Typically, you create a top level "News" page of type News Holder, and check the 'automatically file articles' checkbox. After this, create news articles by selecting that News page, and creating a news article as a child - a date based hierarchy will be automatically created beneath that with relevant names, so you should end up with a hierarchy like
Each part of the hierarchy will automatically create an 'archive' type view, so viewing /news/2011/jan will list all the days beneath it and their articles.
Anyway, if you want to give it a go, I'll be happy to answer questions and fix anything you need to get working :)