Hello, I have installed event calendar, and for now it seems it is working.
I would, however, like to make a few adjustments:
first of I don't want it to be shown only as a page, but only the actual calendar in a sidebar on every page
second I would like events in calendar to be shown in different color then the days with no events
i think it is doable, any ideas?
mby som1 alrdy done it?
EDIT: as far as i can understand the actual calendar is described in template by $calendarwidget inside 2 div <div id="calendar-sidebar"> <div id="monthNav">
Now I need that to put it in a general sidebar that is shown on every page with $calendarwidget, then since it would be only calendar to have events colored diferently than the other days, that every days in calendar still works as a link to calendar event holder page, and also 3 events that would be first to be shown ad links beneath the calendar...
It shouldn't be impossible, or even 2 hard to make, but since i'm close to my deadline and still have other things to finish, I am asking for help.
ty all!