The queuedjobs module has multiple separate queues that jobs can be created in; shorthand for these at the moment is simply 1, 2 or 3. The idea being that jobs that just need running asap are put in 1, some that can be deferred a little bit put in 2, or those that it doesn't matter when they're run are put in 3. By default it should actually process 2, but to make the crontab clearer, I normally explicitly add queue=2
(if you're going to use the queuedjobs module, you're probably best adding in another entry like
*/10 * * * * php /Users/gfisher/Sites/horn/horn/sapphire/cli-script.php dev/tasks/ProcessJobQueueTask queue=3
to trigger any long jobs that get created)
From the sounds of things either the cronjob isn't firing, or it is and something is failing before picking up the queue. A couple of things you can do
1) Make sure your PHP binary is the cli (it should be, but some systems can be a bit weird with it)
$ php -v
should show something like the following - the (cli) bit is the important part
PHP 5.3.5-1ubuntu7 with Suhosin-Patch (cli)
2) Try executing the task from the commandline manually - just run
$ php /Users/gfisher/Sites/horn/horn/sapphire/cli-script.php dev/tasks/ProcessJobQueueTask queue=2
That should produce output like
Running task 'ProcessJobQueueTask'...
[2012-05-04 11:25:39] Processing queue 2
[2012-05-04 11:25:39] No new jobs
If that works, then the crontab isn't executing properly. You could try something simple like
*/1 * * * * echo "test" >> ~/test-cron
which should output stuff to a test-cron file in your homedir