I searched the forum, but could not find a precise answer to enabling the newsletter subscription form.
I have enabled User Defined Forms module. but the question I cannot find answer to is:
What would be the correct action that is called by form? Must I define that action separately?
The desired result would be that user fills the form and presses "Subscribe" button. User is then added to the subscribers list. As I understand, by default the User Defined form submission is only emailed to the specified address.
So I would be extremely thankful if either:
1. Someone pointed me to the right direction regarding the form action
2. Someone pointed me to precise instructions regarding integrating the newsletter subscription - the instructions on otherwise excellent SS documentation server are less than complete regarding that matter.
3. At least could someone point me to the site where I can see a working newsletter module in action (I don't mean the tiny form at the bottom of silverstripe.org).
Thank you in advance