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Newsletter Module: include subscription form

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19 Posts   9172 Views


Community Member, 7 Posts

2 October 2009 at 11:01pm

Hello all,

I have created a subscription form to register on the newsletter lists. Is there a way to publish this form on other pages, for example in the sidebar?



Community Member, 7 Posts

3 October 2009 at 12:43am

i managed to show the form on other pages by putting this in the pagecontroller

function ShowForm(){
      $get = DataObject::get_one('UserDefinedForm', "URLSegment = 'subscribe'");
      return new UserDefinedForm_Controller($get);

and this in

<% control ShowForm %>
<% end_control %>

However the available newsletter lists checkboxes are not included, does anyone have an idea what could be causing this?


Community Member, 7 Posts

3 October 2009 at 12:46am

seems i was a bit hasty, this does the trick

function ShowForm(){
      $get = DataObject::get_one('SubscribeForm', "URLSegment = 'subscribe'");
      return new SubscribeForm_Controller($get);


Community Member, 38 Posts

3 October 2009 at 1:08am

Edited: 03/10/2009 1:09am

correct me if i'm wrong, but wouldnt a simple $ShowForm in the .ss template be sufficient? I cant see the need for the control?


Community Member, 7 Posts

3 October 2009 at 1:16am

using a simple showform throws an error

"Uncaught Exception: Object->__call(): the method 'fortemplate' does not exist on 'SubscribeForm_Controller'"


Community Member, 38 Posts

3 October 2009 at 10:28pm

Interesting, i should have tested it before opening my big mouth!

What about $Showform.Form ??

Ive done this on a site before, ill have to dig up the code when i get back to work. I know there isnt much point if your method works, but im just interested thats all!


Community Member, 7 Posts

4 October 2009 at 1:45am

nice, that worked too, much cleaner, thanks for the tip :)


Community Member, 1 Post

27 December 2009 at 5:38am

I would like to include the newsletter subscription form to my Homepage. I have tried the previously mentioned ways but cant seem to get it to show. I noticed this in my file - $Form -. I copied and pasted this to my file and nothing.

I am not sure of the solution. I am new to Silverstripe. If anyone has any ideas that would be great thanks.

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