We have been plagued with missing / disappearing images on Pages. Simply put, the SRC attribute of the IMG element points to an image that does not exist. Here's what's in common:
+ Images have been uploaded to a subdirectory (or sub-subdirectory) of assets/Uploads using the "Files and Images" interface.
+ Images are added to Pages using the Image icon of the TinyMCE editor (one which opens the right sidebar to allow selecting of an image)
+ Images are sized, and thus have a SRC attribute of "assets/directory/_resampled/[resample_recipie]image.jpg
The images appear to the content editor, but magically get deleted sometime down the road. We are actively developing the site, and thus often running "/dev/build" as well as "?flush=1" on the front AND back-end.
Silverstripe version is 2.3.3 w/ the following extensions;
Auth_External, Dataobject Manager, Embargo Expiry, Google Analytics, Google Sitemaps, SWF Upload, and Userforms
I believe that this has been an ongoing problem since the onset of development. As a workaround, we have been backing up the assets directory every 5 minutes... and periodically restoring it. The resized image files ONCE DID exist...
I'm not sure what's causing this? Perhaps the flushing.. perhaps the user visiting the "Files and Images" (there's a HUGE AMOUNT of images in the "unused" tab).. Perhaps the dev/build??
The assets directory is owned by web user. Of note is that it appears a sudo-exec bit is set on folders that have been created?
e.g. "drwxr-sr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 2009-11-09 00:34 _resampled"
Any ideas would be a huge help!