make sure tht you have named the userform folder in root directory as userforms,mine is working fine after i did tht
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Sorry forget to tell you,you can change the foldr name and rebuild the CMS with dev/build,it will work fine
I'm also having problems with userforms after the update. I tried to update to the 0.2 branch as mentioned above. In my case, theres a javascript exception which savs:
$("#Form_Form").validate is not a function
I checked if the jquery.validate.min.js file ist there, and it is. Any idea how to solve the problem?
I just upgraded to new stable form on 2.3.4 build SS. Re published using task.
Now I am not able to publish or save my form type pages. Now the error I captured on FireBug is big .. but hope it gives you some in site.
Currently I have to make minor changes, doing it right from database :(
500//ERROR [User Error]: Couldn't run query:
insert into `EditableFormField_versions` SET `Default` = null, `Required` = 1, `CanDelete` = 1, `CustomErrorMessage` = null, `CustomRules` = 'a:0:{}', `CustomSettings` = 'a:1:{s:10:\"ShowOnLoad\";s:4:\"Show\";}', `LastEdited` = now(), `ClassName` = 'EditableDropdown', `Created` = '2009-11-19 02:05:05', `Name` = 'EditableDropdown279', `Title` = 'Applying for', `Sort` = '1', `CustomParameter` = null, `ParentID` = '75', `Version` = 1, `RecordID` = 279
Unknown column 'CustomParameter' in 'field list'
IN POST /admin/EditForm
Line 401 in /mnt/stor2-wc2-dfw1/426404/
392: }
394: function databaseError($msg, $errorLevel = E_USER_ERROR) {
395: // try to extract and format query
396: if(preg_match('/Couldn\'t run query: ([^\|]*)\|\s*(.*)/', $msg, $matches)) {
397: $formatter = new SQLFormatter();
398: $msg = "Couldn't run query: \n" . $formatter->formatPlain($matches[1]) . "\n\n" . $matches[2];
399: }
* 401: user_error($msg, $errorLevel);
402: }
403: }
405: /**
406: * A result-set from a MySQL database.
407: * @package sapphire
<ul>user_error(Couldn't run query:
insert into `EditableFormField_versions` SET `Default` = null, `Required` = 1, `CanDelete` = 1, `CustomErrorMessage` = null, `CustomRules` = 'a:0:{}', `CustomSettings` = 'a:1:{s:10:\"ShowOnLoad\";s:4:\"Show\";}', `LastEdited` = now(), `ClassName` = 'EditableDropdown', `Created` = '2009-11-19 02:05:05', `Name` = 'EditableDropdown279', `Title` = 'Applying for', `Sort` = '1', `CustomParameter` = null, `ParentID` = '75', `Version` = 1, `RecordID` = 279
Unknown column 'CustomParameter' in 'field list',256)
line 401 of MySQLDatabase.php
MySQLDatabase->databaseError(Couldn't run query: insert into `EditableFormField_versions` SET `Default` = null, `Required` = 1, `CanDelete` = 1, `CustomErrorMessage` = null, `CustomRules` = 'a:0:{}', `CustomSettings` = 'a:1:{s:10:\"ShowOnLoad\";s:4:\"Show\";}', `LastEdited` = now(), `ClassName` = 'EditableDropdown', `Created` = '2009-11-19 02:05:05', `Name` = 'EditableDropdown279', `Title` = 'Applying for', `Sort` = '1', `CustomParameter` = null, `ParentID` = '75', `Version` = 1, `RecordID` = 279 | Unknown column 'CustomParameter' in 'field list',256)
line 102 of MySQLDatabase.php
MySQLDatabase->query(insert into `EditableFormField_versions` SET `Default` = null, `Required` = 1, `CanDelete` = 1, `CustomErrorMessage` = null, `CustomRules` = 'a:0:{}', `CustomSettings` = 'a:1:{s:10:\"ShowOnLoad\";s:4:\"Show\";}', `LastEdited` = now(), `ClassName` = 'EditableDropdown', `Created` = '2009-11-19 02:05:05', `Name` = 'EditableDropdown279', `Title` = 'Applying for', `Sort` = '1', `CustomParameter` = null, `ParentID` = '75', `Version` = 1, `RecordID` = 279)
line 418 of Database.php
line 133 of DB.php
line 893 of DataObject.php
line 292 of EditableFormField.php
line 116 of EditableMultipleOptionField.php
line 146 of FieldEditor.php
line 886 of Form.php
line 649 of LeftAndMain.php
line 241 of Form.php
line 129 of RequestHandler.php
line 143 of RequestHandler.php
line 122 of Controller.php
line 277 of Director.php
line 121 of Director.php
line 118 of main.php
Line undefined
Any possible solutions to this problem above ? I am really stuck right now.
More over I am having new problems.
When I run the publishing task it un-publishing some forms.
This is because an issue of old data not being removed - SS doesn't delete columns which aren't needed in the database (for data safely purposes) so occasionally you will get issues of columns existing (or not). The fix for this issue is to drop the customparameter field from the EditableFormField table. You can do this via a GUI like phpmyadmin or via mysql command line
ALTER TABLE `EditableFormField` DROP `CustomParameter`;
I faced the same problem and did the trick mentioned above.
Now I have the following problem when addind a field:
(SS: 2.3.4 and UserForms: 0.2.1)
ERROR [User Error]: Couldn't run query:
insert into `EditableFormField_versions` SET `ClassName` = 'EditableTextField', `CanDelete` = 1, `LastEdited` = now(), `Created` = now(), `Name` = null, `Title` = null, `Default` = null, `Sort` = '0', `Required` = '0', `ParentID` = '0', `CustomErrorMessage` = null, `CustomRules` = null, `ShowOnLoad` = '0', `CustomSettings` = null, `Version` = 1, `RecordID` = 39
Unknown column 'ShowOnLoad' in 'field list'
IN GET /admin/EditForm/field/Fields/addfield?NewID=1&Type=EditableTextField
Line 401 in /var/www/vhosts/
--------- update:
Dropped all EditableFormField database entries and ran /dev/build ... now it is fine
To clarify Will's post, you have to drop the column that's mentioned in your error message. In our case, it was ShowOnLoad, hence: alter table EditableFormField drop ShowOnLoad;
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