Hi there,
my name is Vinz and I'm a new member of silverstripe CMS, i really like this product but I still have to understand a litle bit how it works. By the way sorry if my english is not that good.
My first query is how do I install the gallery module.
I did the following:
- download the module;
- but it on root;
- then I did mysite/db/build but then i get the message of error the page can not be displayed.
I downloaded the last silverstripe CMS SilverStripe-v2.3.5 and the last gallery module gallery-v0.2.3.
What do I do wrong?
The second question is how can I do thet the header backround image of the header changes automatically from different images or is it possible to have a different header image for each tab, what I don't thing it's possible because the header is for the entire page....hope you understand what I mean. In oder words I would like to have 4-5 pictures that changes after 3-4 seconds so thet i can put some "fresh style" in the page.
I really hope you can give me a hint.
Thank you very much.