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SQLite3 + [User Error] Couldn't run query: VACUUM | not authorized POST /install.php

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6 Posts   4087 Views


Community Member, 35 Posts

18 April 2010 at 5:18am

Hello, I want use SQLite but i can't install it.

all right are ok

# Setting up 'mysite/_config.php'...
# Setting up /srv/http/mysite/_config.php
# Setting up '.htaccess' file...
# Setting up /srv/http/.htaccess
# Building database schema...

[User Error] Couldn't run query: VACUUM | not authorized
POST /install.php

619 	function databaseError($msg, $errorLevel = E_USER_ERROR) {
620 		user_error($msg, $errorLevel);
621 	}
623 	/**
624 	 * Enable supression of database messages.
625 	 */
626 	function quiet() {


Community Member, 60 Posts

26 April 2010 at 11:28am

hi astate,

this is a sqlite level error:

something registered an authorizer callback function which returns a SQLITE_DENY for VACUUM. your options are:

1. check the registered callback to see if you can aquire authorization
2. overide the callback (e.g. with a NULL callback or with one that returns SQLITE_IGNORE instead of SQLITE_DENY)
3. comment the VACUUM command in SQLite3Database.php

the last option is a hack and not recommended. it's not absolutely neccessary to vacuum. can you find out why there is authorization required? is there any other command that gets a SQLITE_DENY? if there is a good reason for the denial i can make vacuuming optional.




Community Member, 2 Posts

20 May 2010 at 10:48am

Silverstripe seems interesting and I would really like to get it running to play around with it some, but I keep having this error message during installation (see attached image).
I added the sqlite trunk module before installation and it showed as green in the list.
Did I miss something? Is sqlite3 broken or not and why is it failing to install?

Attached Files

Community Member, 60 Posts

20 May 2010 at 11:27am

Edited: 20/05/2010 11:58am

hi damnmab,

1) what sqlite version are you using?
2) are you on a shared host?
3) can you try commenting:

// $this->query('VACUUM');

in sqlite3/code/SQLite3Database.php? (for testing only)

if (3) fixes the issue let me know. i will make the execution of VACUUM configurable then.




Community Member, 2 Posts

20 May 2010 at 8:21pm

Hi andy,

Thanks for your quick reply.

1) phpinfo() shows under pdo_sqlite that SQLite Library version is 3.3.7
2) Yes, I am.
3) When commenting that line the installation runs with no errors!



Community Member, 60 Posts

21 May 2010 at 9:48am

Hi damnmab,

thanks for the update. I made the vacuuming configurable and updated trunk. After updating your local sqlite3 module you can add:

SQLite3Database::$vacuum = false;

anywhere in your mysite/_config.php to turn off vacuuming.

