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Moderators: martimiz, Sean, Ed, biapar, Willr, Ingo, swaiba

Wanted: New maintainer for "gallery" module

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15 Posts   3049 Views


Forum Moderator, 801 Posts

13 May 2010 at 8:38am

Have a look at

The basic workflow:

# step 1: clone from svn
git svn clone

# step 2: add a single change from your modified vesion

# add to staging
git add

# commit (to git, not svn)
git commit

# repeat step 2 until all changes are in

# make sure you still got the latest version from svn
git svn rebase

# output all commits as patch files (and file them as a patch ticket on open)
git format-patch

You'll notice there isnt an "git svn dcommmit" or "svn commit" step in there, for the first time we'll review changes, if thats all good we can give you commit access :)


Community Member, 9 Posts

16 May 2010 at 1:04am


how about a new forum for gallery modules? At least the SS original, Uncle Cheese's and the flickr module could go in there.

Regards, vr


Forum Moderator, 4102 Posts

16 May 2010 at 7:06am

Actually, if you look at the description, the DOM forum is for ImageGallery, too... at least it's supposed to be.


Forum Moderator, 801 Posts

17 May 2010 at 3:32pm

Hey Tim, any luck with creating those patches? :)
Don't get too hung up on git, perhaps you can file one big (well commented) patch as a starting point for us to see your work?


Community Member, 6 Posts

21 May 2010 at 12:47am

none yet. I am really busy right now buying a house and working a lot of over time.

I haven't had time to even run Diff on it and then try to comment on it. I had to disassemble my workstation in preparation for moving so all I have is a windows laptop for work and it's not set up for programming at all.

I wont be able to start even trying to comment my changes for 3 weeks.


Forum Moderator, 801 Posts

21 May 2010 at 8:21am

Ouch, sounds like busy times for you - well, looking forward to hear from you in a month or so, all the best with the house :)


Forum Moderator, 801 Posts

21 June 2010 at 8:56am

Hey Tim! Hope everything went well with your house purchase, all settled in now? :)
When do you think you can have a look at commenting and submitting your gallery changes?
As a first step, could you just attach your current state here in the forums?


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