Is the subsites module supposed to work right out of the box? I've tried previous versions of subsites with earlier versions of SilverStripe and have never been able to get it to work. I'm now using SS version 2.4 with Subsites trunk-r104230 and I still can't get it to work. The tables load, I get the subsite dropdown in the cms and the pages save, but I am never able to access the live page. It doesn't matter whether I click on the view page option from within the cms or type in the url from a browser, I just get a generic 500 error. I guess I thought that with the release of 2.4 my problem would be solved and I could just upload the subsites module like every other module and it would work.
Am I the only one who is still having a problem with this? If it's not supposed to work without tweaking could someone add explicit directions to the module download? I know there are numerous threads offering suggestions about how to get subsites to work, but there have been so many changes to SS and subsites that I can't tell if they are still applicable. Other than the ability to share assets, is there any advantage to using subsites? Would it be easier to do multiple installs of SS and just create a unique database for each url?
Lost and confused,