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CMSWorkflow - Roles Section Missing?

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3 Posts   1302 Views


Community Member, 21 Posts

25 May 2010 at 5:27am

I am running SilverStripe 2.4 and have just downloaded and installed (I think) the workflow module..but am not seeing the Roles section on the gray nav bar at the top of the CMS.

I downloaded cmsworkflow-v1.0-rc4.tar.gz from, unzipped it etc., moved the resulting folder (cmsworkflow-v1.0-rc4) into my installation as a peer of /cms, /mysite, /sapphire, /themes, etc., renamed the folder simply "cmsworkflow", and ran a /dev/build. Everything seemed to go as expected.

When I'm in the CMS, I do see the workflow options added to the Site Reports section.

However, I'm not seeing the Roles link on the top (dark gray) navigation bar. Has the location of this link changed since the documentation was last updated 2 November 2009? Or perhaps I missed a step somewhere along the way?



Community Member, 78 Posts

25 May 2010 at 9:46am

Hi there. Yes, well, um, the documentation in svn is a little out of date. The roles section was moved into Security, which is really where it belongs - go to Security, select Security Groups on the tree, and there is a Roles tab on the right. Then within a specific group, you can select the applicable role(s).

The documentation is being reviewed at present, as there are alot of changes since the time that was written. As we move towards the next release of cmsworkflow, you should see this corrected.



Community Member, 21 Posts

27 May 2010 at 7:30am

Thanks Mark!