Hello everyone,
I'm trying to add a ReCaptcha field to my contact page's field. However when a form is filled including the captcha, the page directs me to a blank page, and the form is not send. The code i've used for the form:
class ContactPage extends Page
static $db = array(
'Mailto' => 'Varchar(100)',
'SubmitText' => 'HTMLText'
function getCMSFields() {
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
$fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Content.OnSubmission", new TextField('Mailto', 'Email submissions to'));
$fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Content.OnSubmission", new TextareaField('SubmitText', 'Text on Submission'));
return $fields;
class ContactPage_Controller extends Page_Controller
function ContactForm()
$Params = Director::urlParams();
// Create fields
$fields = new FieldSet(
new TextField('Bezoekdatum', 'Bezoekdatum *'),
new TextField('Naam', 'Naam *'),
new TextField('Vereniging', 'Vereniging'),
new TextField('Adres', 'Adres / Nr *'),
new TextField('Postcode', 'Postcode / Plaats *'),
new TextField('Telefoon', 'Telefoon / Mobiel *'),
new EmailField('ContactEmail', 'Email *'),
new TextField('Aantal', 'Aantal Personen: (volwassenen en kinderen onder de 12) *'),
new TextField('Tijdstip', 'Tijdstip *'),
new DropdownField('Rondleiding', 'Rondleiding door de molens *',array("Ja"=> "Ja" , "Nee" => "Nee", ),''),
new DropdownField('Wandeling', 'Wandeling met natuurgids *',array("Ja"=> "Ja" , "Nee" => "Nee"),''),
new TextField('Drinken', 'Koffie / Thee (aantal invullen) *'),
new TextField('Koek', 'Molenkoek (aantal invullen) *'),
new TextareaField('Wensen','Overige wensen/vragen',4,16)
// Create action
$actions = new FieldSet(
new FormAction('SendContactForm', 'Verzenden')
// Create Validators
$validator = new RequiredFields('Naam', 'ContactEmail', 'Bezoekdatum', 'Adres', 'Postcode', 'Telefoon', 'Aantal', 'Tijdstip', 'Rondleiding', 'Wandeling', 'Drinken', 'Koek');
//return new Form($this, 'ContactForm', $fields, $actions, $validator);
$form = new Form($this, 'ContactForm', $fields, $actions, $validator);
$protector = SpamProtectorManager::update_form($form, 'Comments'); // to make the recaptcha work with your form
return $form;
function SendContactForm($data)
//Set data
$From = $data['ContactEmail'];
$To = $this->Mailto;
$Subject = "Aanmelding voor rondleiding via de website";
$email = new Email($From, $To, $Subject);
//set template
//populate template
//send mail
//return to submitted message
Director::redirect(Director::baseURL(). $this->URLSegment . "/?success=1");
public function Success()
return isset($_REQUEST['success']) && $_REQUEST['success'] == "1";
Hope somebody knows a solution for this,