I'm running SS 2.4 with the CMS workflow 1.0RC4 and where having problems with the email notification. When you login has a publisher and do the workflow process all of the email are sent correctly. But when you login has an editor no emails are sent when you click on request publication. The message they get at the bottom in green is no email was sent.
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Hi. Emails can be configured by calling WorkflowRequest::set_alert(). This lets you override the defaults.
For example, to enable having an email sent to the author when they request a change, do this:
WorkflowRequest::set_alert('WorkflowPublicationRequest', 'request', 'author', true);
By default, when an author requests publication of a change the publisher gets an email (I'm assuming you're using the 2-step workflow)
Thanks you got me on the right track
This solved my issue
WorkflowRequest::set_alert('WorkflowPublicationRequest', 'request', 'publisher', true);