Willr pointed me to using $Form to call my form from the UserDefinedForms module.
Of course, my client wanted some things changed.
I went digging for template to no avail.
I did find in the forum how to call the different elements of the form which would have worked great except no <form> tag and no <submit> button to be found:
I was using this:
<% control Form %>
<% control Fields %>
<% if Type == textarea %>
<div style="overflow:hidden;">
<div class="formTitle">$Title $Message</div>
<% else %>
<div style="overflow:hidden;">
<div class="formError">$Message</div>
<div style="float:left">$Field</div><div class="formTitle" style="float:left;">$Title</div>
<% end_if %>
<% end_control %>
<% end_control %>
$SubmitButton or $Submit does not work.
Is there a template being called when I use $Form that I can just edit? I tried to find what .php file is generating the code but just couldn't find it.
In the end, I just need to change the way the form looks.