I've been having a slight problem validating date picker fields with userforms.
If I create a date field and default it to today’s day it will be displayed in the format "6 Sep 2010" When this is submitted it validates.
If I then use the date picker to choose a different date it will be displayed in the format "09/07/2010" the page will be submitted and pass the javascript validation but you'll be redirected back to the form with an error message displayed: "Please enter a valid date format (d MMM yyyy)"
I've had a look through the source code and can’t find where this validation is done or where the default date output is created, Could anyone point me in the right direction.
On another note, I also can’t find the code that creates the javascript output; I’d like to change some of the validation rules there too.
I've put a test form up so any of you can take a look at http://formbuilder.kolin.me.uk/test/test-form/
I've also posted my template's Page.ss which isn’t particularly complicated file at http://pastie.org/1141548
Thanks in advance