I've been trying to translate the front end text for the Event calendar, what I've done is:
*** For _config.php I've changed like so:
< Calendar::set_param('language','EN');
< Calendar::set_param('timezone', 'US-Eastern');
> Calendar::set_param('language','NO');
> Calendar::set_param('timezone', 'Europe/Oslo');
< CalendarDateTime::set_param('offset','-04:00');
> // CalendarDateTime::set_param('offset','02:00');
< i18n::include_locale_file('event_calendar', 'en_US');
> i18n::include_locale_file('event_calendar', 'nb_NO');
*** I've created lang/nb_NO.php - a replica of the existing de_DE.php translation, except I've changed all the array keys to nb_NO and translated all the content. Also changed the last line to:
$lang['nb_NO']['CalendarWidget']['LOCALEFILE'] = 'date_nbNO.js';
*** I've created javascript/locale/date_nbNO.js, again replica of the existing date_de.js except the content has been translated.
After doing this - nothing happens. All is still english. I've double checked:
- My users profile is norwegian (although it seems the locale is hard-coded in event_calendar/_config.php anyways?)
- The page I created is registered as a norwegian translation (again as above, maybe it does not matter?)
- Run dev/build?flush=1 a couple of times.
So clearly I'm missing something which probably is part of the SilverStripe basics - but please help me because I cannot seem to Google my way to that info.
Thanks for your time,