I successfully migrated (most of) my silverstripe 2.3.8 site over to version 2.4.2, and now am trying to get the user forms to work. I installed v0.3.0, renamed the folder to userforms, did the ?flush=1, and when I go to create a new user form, the icon appears in the pages list, but all I get when I click on it is a blank window. I went into my database and removed all userforms tables and ran ?flush=1 again, and it rebuilt all the tables, but I still get a blank window when I click on a new userform. It says it's loading, but nothing appears. I have forms on my site that I need to have available, and they are not working until I get this corrected. Does anyone know a solution? Thank you.
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It seems that all I need to do is post a question here, and I get the issue resolved. My error, of course. I had the old userforms folder, which I had renamed userforms-old, but that didn't seem to be "different" enough. When I renamed it olduserforms, removed the userforms tables from the database, rebuilt again, and it is all good.