Hello, I am a .NET developer and this is my first time trying to learn SilverStripe. I am using SS 2.4.2. I downloaded the userforms module v0.3.0. Placed it in the root directory. I then ran the dev/build in my browser which successfully created the new tables in the database. I then go to the admin section and try to create a new page but there is no option for 'User-Defined-Forms' to chose from as a page type. I even restarted my web server thinking maybe this would recognize the changes but no luck. Does this module even work with this version of SS??? Can someone please help me as I am excited about learning SilverStripe.
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0.3.0 should work with 2.4. You can also try the latest daily build as that should be compatible with 2.4 as well.
When you rebuilt your database did any green lines appear indicating that code had changed? If no green text appeared then SilverStripe has not been able to find any new code (eg the userforms module).
Check the directory is named 'userforms' and is located at the same level as 'sapphire' and 'cms' directories. You may additionally need to rebuild the database like dev/build?flush=all and then reload the cms again at admin?flush=all to completely update the setup.