I'd like to announce the availability of the SortWeight module. This extension makes ordering of DataObjects and ComponentSets easy and non-obtrusive. My goal is to get this [or something like it] into the an official silverstripe module -- as ordering is a feature we all want!
This is the first release & needs testing. A Demo and preliminary TODO are up at the project page:
Main highlights are:
# Supports ordering of components in has-many and many-many relationships
# Supports ordering of the base DataObject? outside of relationships (e.g. controls DataObjectSet? item order of Dataobject::get('MyObject?'); calls)
# Drag and Drop support (as well as buttons to move to top/bottom)
# Transparently drops in to core Silverstripe -- automatically extends ComplexTableField?
# Does not rely on DataObjectManager ( I consistently ran into issues when trying to limit sorted sets [http://silverstripe.org/dataobjectmanager-module-forum/show/7010?start=264#post293107])
Please enjoy && let me know what needs fixing!