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Event Calendar with HTML5 Boilerplate

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Terry Apodaca

Community Member, 112 Posts

1 February 2011 at 12:40pm

I have been trying to integrate all my development into HTML5 and still use SilverStripe as my main CMS...which is very easy. I've also been trying to find the best 'framework' (so to speak) and HTML5 Boilerplate is just wonderful! There's even a nice module to help you do this if you don't want to do all the work yourself (I still chose to hand code it all myself).

Anyway...I have been trying to get the Event Calendar to work with 2.4.* for a while...and thanks to UncleCheese it now does work. There are still some kinks though....I couldn't get the sidebar calendar to show up on any of my HTML5Boilerplate installations. All I would get was the 'loading' gif.

Turns out, that how ever UncleCheese has this coded (I haven't dug all the way in yet) he is writing all his JavaScript between this little code snippet (when using the HTML5 Boilerplate):

<!--[if lt IE 7 ]>
<script src="js/libs/dd_belatedpng.js"></script>
<script> DD_belatedPNG.fix('img, .png_bg'); //fix any <img> or .png_bg background-images</script>

This post is more of an FYI than anything else. Not sure if anyone else has seen this, or not...but I couldn't find it posted about in any of the searches I did. I have also attached a screenshot of the site with the loading gif before I fixed it. Now you can see it working and view the source HERE

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