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Event Calendar Module - Same event, different dates, different content?

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2 Posts   1201 Views


Community Member, 7 Posts

20 March 2011 at 11:48pm

I was just noticing that with the event module, you can not have the same named event with multiple dates AND different content for each. An example would be a conference breakfast for 3 days. You'd like to keep one event and put the menu up for each specific day and only on that day. Or, if you have an annual golf event. The event name will (but doesn't have to, I presume) stay the same and you add the dates as needed. But, the location could change one year. If you change it half way through the year to the new location, you loose the "record" or history of where it was for the previous year.

This same issue carries through with comments. Uncle Cheese or anyone else, are there any plans to address this at all? Or is there a better way of doing what I'm trying to accomplish? With the conference example, I'm sure you can create a day 1, day 2, etc. event. And for the golf event, you can have the title be 2011 Annual Golf Event, etc, etc. Would that be the recommendation?



Community Member, 7 Posts

12 April 2011 at 9:27am

Anyone have any recommendations about this?