Hi, i'm installed the mobile module in my ss2.4.5, after installed i create a subdomain mobile.xxxxxx.com, i sellect "Mobile users are redirected to mobile domain", and set mobile domain to http://mobile.xxxxxx.com. and i found out 500 internal server error at http://mobile.xxxxxx.com while i'm access the website using my android phone. Is that anythings i should looking at? because i have no idea what's when wrong... please give me some guides. Thanks
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Hi anyone help out pls?
Check your server logs to see what's tripping the 500 internal error. We can't help you without any information.
There is nth in the server error log,
but i added in these code into the .htaccess of root folder
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^mobile$ mobile/ [R,L]
RewriteRule ^mobile/(.*)$ mobile/$1 [L]
Now ,at least no more 500 internal error but still the mobile module is not working.
I've also copy the entire "blackcandymobile" folder into the themes manually but no luck.
any idea?
What happens when you try to access the mobile site now? How is it not working?
it is just show like the attached file below