Hi there, I'm new to Silverstripe and hope someone can help me:
I'm running Silverstripe locally using a WAMP server and therefore installed the smtpmailer module in order to send mails via my gmail account.
I created a contact page using the userforms module.
I'm trying to achieve the following:
A user submits the form, entering "name", "Your Email" and "message"
An email is sent to the site administrator. When replying to the email I'd like the user's email (from the "Your Email" field) to appear in the To field.
I've set up the contact form to use the "Your Email" field from the form as the "From" field.
There is no problem submitting the form and emails arrive fine. The problem is that the emails received have my gmail address (the one set up for "SMTP server username" in the smtpmailer settings) in the "From" field so when replying to the email I need to copy the user's email into the To field. Not ideal when emails are sent to other people who tend to overlook this.
Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks