Hello I have SS 2.4,
There is a problem with the embargo-expiry-module http://www.silverstripe.org/embargo-expiry-module/ .
I put the folder on my server, run dev/build and flush. Tables where created.
I checked the admin, and there was an internal server error 500 ...getitem?ID=1&ajax=1
Page in the tree can't be loaded. popup massage with no info appears. Error loading.
I deleted the folder, run dev/build page in the BE tree can be loaded again. :o)
Ok, I installed an other module with the same functanality, CMS Workflow. This module also doesn't work.
I deleted the folder, run dev/build page and try again embargo-expiry-module, upload folder etc.
Nothing happens, server error 500 and blank screen :o(
Ok, what's the trick :o)
I hope someone can give me the solution to give an expire date with an page.