I got a class
class Event extends DataObject {
static $db = array(
which is managed by ModelAdmin:
class EventAdmin extends ModelAdmin{
static $url_segment='events';
static $menu_title ='Events';
public static $managed_models = array('Event');
Now when I login as the default admin, click on edit/add an event, the content field is shown as a tinymce. If I want to insert an image, i can click on the right hand side to upload a new image with no problem.
However, when i login as an Content Contributor (which is allowed access to the Events section), I can add/remove/edit an event fine. The content contributor doesn't have access to the 'Page' section. When I would like to insert an image in tinymce, right after i choose an image to upload, my browser goes to blank.
To make it works again, I have to give content contributor access to the 'Page' section. It's a work-around and it doesn't resolve my problem at all. It looks like there is some problem with base.js which is tricky to debug