Just wondering what happened to googlesitemaps in SS3, I can't find any documention for it and it no longer on the main git
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It's been split into its own module at https://github.com/silverstripe-labs/silverstripe-googlesitemaps
When I installed the googlesitemaps v0.2 downloaded from http://www.silverstripe.org/google-sitemaps-module/ with SS3, the TinyMCE editor for the Content field stopped appearing in the CMS. With the googlesitemaps from GitHub, it worked fine.
The http://www.silverstripe.org/google-sitemaps-module page only claims to be compatible with SilverStripe 2.4, but it would be nice to have a SS3 compatible version available from there as lots of people will be upgrading to SS3 and looking for it there. Let's not make this harder than it needs to be.