I use the multiform to make an form with several steps, but in 1 step I want to make that when the checkbox is checked there will be
several new fields shown for input.
Bit of the code:
new CheckboxsetField($name ='Voogd2', $title = 'Voer eventueel een 2e persoon in', $source = array('Toevoegen' => Toevoegen')),
new LabelField($name = 'Persoonsgegevens2', $title = '<strong><br/>Persoonsgegevens<br/><br/></strong>', null, true),
new TextField('Voornaam2', 'Voornaam'),
new TextField('Achternaam2', 'Achternaam'),
So when the checkbox is checked, show the labelfield en textfields.
See entire code below.