Dear all,
I installed the comments module from (v 1.0.0.) using SS 3.0.5. on Ubuntu. I copied the extracted folder to the root folder of my SS instance and did a rebuild without getting any error messages. Afterwards I got a "Server error
Sorry, there was a problem handling your request." and the error message displayed at the bottom of this post in my error.log.
Any help would be appreciated.
[Mon Apr 08 08:26:45 2013] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Couldn't
run query: SELECT DISTINCT "SiteTree_Live"."ClassName", "SiteTree_Live"."Create
d", "SiteTree_Live"."LastEdited", "SiteTree_Live"."URLSegment", "SiteTree_Live".
"Title", "SiteTree_Live"."MenuTitle", "SiteTree_Live"."Content", "SiteTree_Live"
."MetaTitle", "SiteTree_Live"."MetaDescription", "SiteTree_Live"."MetaKeywords",
"SiteTree_Live"."ExtraMeta", "SiteTree_Live"."ShowInMenus", "SiteTree_Live"."Sh
owInSearch", "SiteTree_Live"."Sort", "SiteTree_Live"."HasBrokenFile", "SiteTree_
Live"."HasBrokenLink", "SiteTree_Live"."ReportClass", "SiteTree_Live"."CanViewTy
pe", "SiteTree_Live"."CanEditType", "SiteTree_Live"."ProvideComments", "SiteTree
_Live"."Version", "SiteTree_Live"."ParentID", "SiteTree_Live"."ID", CASE WHEN "S
iteTree_Live"."ClassName" IS NOT NULL THEN "SiteTree_Live"."ClassName" ELSE 'Sit
eTree' END AS "RecordClassName" FROM "SiteTree_Live" WHERE ("URLSegment" = 'them
es' AND "ParentID" = 0) ORDER BY "SiteTree_Live"."Sort" ASC LIMIT 1 | ERROR: co
lumn SiteTree_Live.ProvideComments does not exist\nLINE 1 in /var/www/aep-ss/fra
mework/model/Database.php on line 693