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Google Sitemaps on 3.1 minor issue? maybe?

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5 Posts   1216 Views


Community Member, 158 Posts

19 April 2013 at 10:49am

I'm using SS3.1 and the Google Sitemaps module, but there seems to be a space in the 'loc' url

<sitemapindex xmlns="">
<loc> sitemap.xml/sitemap/SiteTree/1

So just before 'sitemap.xml', there is a space. When I try and copy the URL into web browser, it inserts %20 and I wind up with a page not found. When I remove the space, I can get to my sitemap. How to remove the space? Or is that not an issue for Google since it is probably just using a robot? Or is it because I am developing the site in a subdirectory?

Thanks for any help....


Forum Moderator, 5523 Posts

19 April 2013 at 8:02pm

Do you have a space in your sites BaseHref?

Haven't tested the latest 3.1 but the early betas worked fine.


Community Member, 158 Posts

20 April 2013 at 7:10am

Hi Will,

Thanks for the response. I don't know why, but $BaseHref is indeed returning the URL with a space at the end. If I replace '{$BaseHref}' in with the URL, it works great.

I don't ever touch the framework so I don't know where I would have changed anything that had to do with BaseHref.

Anyway, it works now, good enough for me :-)

Thank you


Forum Moderator, 5523 Posts

20 April 2013 at 10:46am

You can set your base href from your _config.php file - perhaps double check that for a space.


Community Member, 158 Posts

20 April 2013 at 1:00pm

I checked and I did not change it in _config.php. It's such an odd little issue, but at least it is working with a hard coded URL. I'll see if I can get to the bottom of it, I'm just learning about installing with Composer which is way cool so I am going to do yet another installation to see how that works and I will install the sitemaps module to see if I have the same issue. The site in question has some custom pages etc, nothing too fancy, but I am not ruling out that I goofed something up.

Thanks for your help again.