I have pushed my work to it's first official release, a Silverstripe 3.0.1+ (up to 3.1) newsmodule. Newsitems are handled via the ModelAdmin to prevent clutter in the SiteTree.
Required are:
Optional is including the translatable. Which is not yet fully integrated, but it works in general form.
You can find my release at:
The release-branches will always be stable, Master-branch is stable, but with experimental features, Development-branch is ehm... Development, it's not stable, it's not always working, it might contain bugs.
By releasing version 1.0, this module has made a great step towards growing up. It started as an idea, now, finally, I can say, It has a stable version.
There are a few unimportant issues left, most related to other modules of mine or others. If you encounter a bug, please, create a ticket on github.
Any questions can be send to my github-contact address. Due to the amount of questions I have received, I have decided NOT to answer to questions that are send to any of my private e-mail addresses.
95% of the support questions were not related to my module, but due to missing requirements btw ;)
No backend demo yet, sorry, I'm very busy, but I have not yet had the time to talk to my hosting about a subdomain.
Any questions can be addressed to github@casa-laguna.net
And please, read the readme? It's there for a reason ;)