I've got problems using this module on SS 3.0.8. I've created a "class VacancyPage extends Page" pagetype that needs unpublished at a certain date. (I'm using the https://github.com/silverstripe-australia/advancedworkflow module in combination with the silverstripe-queuedjobs module for running the unpublish job.
The job for this gets created ok but when it's due i get the following error:
[Error] Broken jobs were found in the job queue
Browser says:
[2013-12-09 23:59:01][ERROR] Job caused exception Class VacancyPage does not exist in /public_html/framework/control/injector/Injector.php at line 846
[2013-12-09 23:59:01][INFO] Job paused at 2013-12-09 23:59:01
I've done a /dev/build and ?flush=1 and the VacancyPages are in use on the site without issues. When I run /dev/tasks/ProcessJobQueueTask it says "No new jobs" but I receive the broken jobs error email.
Pressing what looks like a'reload job' button in the browser interface and then 'playing' the job makes it run successfully.
Any idea how I get my job to run successfully?