Check your template and make sure there are no <% include %> tags for files that don't exist.
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that's the only include i have...
do i need to drag into my themes folder?
when i include <% include AlbumList %> it works fine but not what i need, but <% include GalleryPageContent %> does not.
ok i found the problem with the error message but it still doesn't display any images in my template...
taking out this code in and leaving the <% include UserGallery %> fixed the error
<% if AdminGallery %>
<% include AdminGallery %>
<% else %>
<% end_if %>
but again, no images show up or anything.
i also put the code back in there, but i copied and renamed it no missing file error but also still no images showing up.
Oh my lord.. where did you find this distribution of ImageGallery? Those files haven't been in the core for over a year! Did you get this from SVN?
I don't know :(
Help me! Send me good links!
I found it on some ultimate image gallery thread.
The best way to get it is through SVN..
svn co
But the Silverstripe downloads section should have an svn export for download as well.
You're using an archaic version.. wow..
When I goto Extensions and Modules under silverstripes website it gives me
DOM version 374
SWFUPLOAD version 373
IMAGE GALLERY version 352
OK I've got all the new versions installed, still no images showing up?
What exactly do I need to put in my .ss Template to make this stuff show up?
I still have the same wierd button images under my Photos and Albums tabs in the CMS.