Similar to this guy [ http://www.silverstripe.org/archive/show/58759 ], I am building a Client Section in a Silverstripe site. Special thanks to *willr* on instructions on overriding the login form. That code works great-- I create a user group for each user of the site, then in the login form I say if NOT in the Administrators group, then serve the page that has a URLSegment equal to the their username minus the "@" symbol. This is all fine, and the redirect works fine.
The problem I am having Now is the the content I need to serve to these Members needs to be HTML. Namely, they are job postings, which I created as a ManyManyComplexTableField because it would give me the the ability to associate many postings to many different users. Ideally, I want the job postings in a table on the right, and then check the boxes of whatever postings I want to appear on the user's page which I have selected in the CMS sidenav.
Now I am again in that terrible conundrum whereby the HTMLEditorField cannot be used in a popup, so I don't know what to do! These job postings have paragraphs and lists and other HTML objects and there's just no way around that.
How can I accomplish this relationship between User Pages and Job Postings and bring this content in dynamically, withOUT making the job postings a ManyManyComplexTableField?