I downloaded bulkuploader0.1.4 from http://www.carlinowebdesign.com/bulk-uploader-field/, installed it as before. However, when I try to delete a page in the CMS, the CMS hangs and the following alert error message appears. (The same thing also happens with an earlier version of bulkuploader.)
ERROR [Warning]: Bad class value NULL passed to ClassInfo::ancestry()
IN POST /silverstripe/admin/getitem?ID=3&ajax=1
Line 124 in /Users/Amir/Sites/silverstripe/sapphire/core/ClassInfo.php
115: }
117: /**
118: * @todo Improve documentation
119: */
120: static function ancestry($class, $onlyWithTables = false) {
121: global $_ALL_CLASSES;
123: if(is_object($class)) $class = $class->class;
* 124: else if(!is_string($class)) user_error("Bad class value " . var_export($class, true) . " passed to
ClassInfo::ancestry()", E_USER_WARNING);
126: $items = $_ALL_CLASSES['parents'][$class];
127: $items[$class] = $class;
128: if($onlyWithTables) foreach($items as $item) {
129: if(!DataObject::has_own_table($item)) unset($items[$item]);
130: }
<br />
<b>Catchable fatal error</b>: Method BulkUploaderField::__toString() must return a string value in <b>/Users/Amir/Sites/silverstripe/sapphire/dev/Debug.php</b> on line <b>558</b><br />
Any idea?
Also, when I install bulkuploader0.1.4 (or your latest SVN files), I see both an Upload and an Import button on the left. Import is handled on the right.
Also, when I import a file from the right, it appears on the left. However, edit link does not appear below the file/image. If I click the file/image, I do not get the edit form on the right as before. Furthermore, if I have multiple files attached on the left, I no longer get the previous/next links on the right (I guess this is related to the editing which does not work!).
Can you please help as I wanted to implement bulkuploader for an actual site today, but as such cannot proceed?