1) I took out $MonthNavigator, because I assumed no one was using it, and it seemed redundant to the CalendarWidget. I've put it back in an done a little code cleanup on it.
2) To change the date display is not the most user-friendly thing in the world, but it's very flexible. In your _config.php file, edit the $customDateTemplates array. You can change any one of the following date scenarios:
- OneDay
- SameMonthSameYear
- DiffMonthSameYear
- DiffMonthDiffYear
- OneDayHeader
- MonthHeader
- YearHeader
"Header" keys are for the date range headers that are displayed when a range is selected. All others apply to each event listing, specifying different scenarios, e.g. if an event spans several days in the same month, you want something like "Oct 6-8, 2009" (US format).
You'll find a bunch of date format keys in the _config.php file that you can use to build your own. To make the update you want, you can do something like:
$customDateTemplates = array (
'OneDay' => '%{sWeekDayFull}, %{sMonFull} %{sDayNumShort}%{sDaySuffix}, %{sYearFull}'
If you plan on having dates that span multiple days, you should spec out the other keys for "SameMonthDiffDay", etc.. Otherwise, it falls back on the lang file.
3) First, you need to read the documentation on extending the calendar. There's a good recipe in the Wiki. Once you've done that you can build a custom Events function that might look like this:
class MyCustomCalendar_Controller extends Calendar_Controller
public function FundRaisingEvents()
return parent::Events("Type = 'Fundraising');
We did something like that on this site: www.vmec.org/workshops