I would change the date and time format.
I think it will be only possible in the code, but where?
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That's a major to-do item right now is to support European date format. On your template, you can remove the $_Dates function and use $StartDate.Format() and $EndDate.Format() as you wish. The trade off is you lose the magic formatting that the $_Dates function provides.
But the setlocal seems to be in EN for date and time. Do you have any general setting for this?
Can you explain what you mean? How do you want it to display?
All Months (January,...) and Days (Monday,...) are now in English but I need them in German.
All my pages in SS are defined for DE, so I would change it.
Isn't the locale something that you configure in your php.ini? I thought the date() function was sensitive to that.
New stuff checked in today at:
svn co http://svn.codespaces.com/bluehousegroup/event_calendar
Updated to the latest. Nothing being returned now seems to return nothing when using $_Times method.