I have a bug in Safari when editing captions on pictures allready uploaded to a gallery. the first time i type in a caption everything is fine, but when going to number 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 the caption field moves further and further to the right, making it impossible to type any text in the end. i attached an image so you can see the bug.
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Yikes. Sorry about that. I'm going to be releasing a new version as early as this weekend with a ton of new features. All of the frontend editing will be removed due to massive incompatibility issues, but it will be replaced by more robust editing in the backend.
Hi UncleCheese..
Been looking for that update to the Image Gallery ;-) any idea on when it will be released, i'm currentliy working on a project where i could really make use of the gallery.
Hi, DHN,
Thanks for your interest. The ImageGallery is still in production, and my hopes of getting it out last week were crushed when I picked up a new client. A lot of my hours are going toward that, since, after all, it's billable time. :-). But I do manage to get in a few hours a day of SS development, too.
I'm basically just polishing up the UI at this point and there are a few bugs with creating and managing albums. I'm anxious to get it out the door, but I have a tendency to jump the gun and release buggy code. I'd like to have something testable by Monday the 9th.