This error pops up with 0.1.1 and 2.3-daily from 2/17 when trying to import a csv.
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Ok - Newsletter 0.1.1 now working - at least i can view my old letters but after editing i get "Javascript parse error" when i store any modified letter. I need this module working to upgrage - i cannot open new ticket - no rights.
Has anyone else been experience the problem with the "Action 'UploadForm' isn't allowed on class NewsletterAdmin" error? Its pretty serious. This means that I can't implement the Newsletter module on any new sites.
I've added 'UploadForm' to the list of allowed actions on NewsletterAdmin Line 39, but it still doesn't work. You bypass the error, but when you continue through the process to import the data the iframe gets redirected to the newsletter admin page.
Exact same issue as the previous post: "Action 'UploadForm' isn't allowed on class NewsletterAdmin" is displayed when hitting the 'Show contents'-button on Import-tab. Please help!
Try adding 'UploadForm' to the $allowed_actions array of your NewsletterAdmin class
i cant create a newsletter folder or anything....when i press create button nothing happens...what is the reason for that?