I am not sure where this question should be, so mods, if i am out of order please feel free to move me...
I am building a site and i really like the way lightwindow works for the gallery, is there any easy/relatively simple way to use it on other pages?
<paragraph> <lightwindow thumbnail>
<paragraph> <lightwindow thumbnail>
<paragraph> <lightwindow thumbnail>
i'll be honest, i am a designer, so please don't freak me out with too much code, break it to me gently, i can handle XHTML/CSS and can kinda follow PHP but PS/iL/iD are more my strong points...
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: i tried to get this working but for some reason i could not get that working either under SS. I'll even happily settle for that... i have used this technique in other sites before i started using SS... thanks again...