Hi. The <% control UpcomingEvents %> control is actually more what I was wanting anyway. I just didn't find it when I was searching. But I've put that on my page (now straight in my main page.ss file - just for testing to make sure it isn't inside anything it shouldn't be - but still no luck. Nothing showing up at all.
I found the Calendar_Controller within Calendar.php and moved the UpcomingNonAnnouncements() public function inside that. But still nothing is showing with that either.
In regards to the var_dump, can you please give me the exact code? I'm very much a beginner and have looked up var_dump() but I don't know what to put in the brackets.
so this is my public function:
public function UpcomingNonAnnouncements()
return DataObject::get_one("Calendar")->upcomingEvents(5, "is_announcement = 0");
How do I put a var_dump in there. And what and where should I expect to see this information on screen?
Sorry I got lost. Thanks for the help.