I'm having trouble getting SilverStripe to auto-add accounts when logging in using an external authentication source. We use Active Directory. I have the External Authentication module installed and everything displays correctly, but when I try to login with my AD creds it rejects them. I've modified _config.php to the following:
ExternalAuthenticator::setAutoAdd('ccomAD', 'Users');
//ExternalAuthenticator::setAutoAdd('ccomAD', false);
ExternalAuthenticator::setDefaultDomain('ccomAD', 'ccom.unh.edu');
I know it can authenticate though because I hooked up my AD username to the administrator profile that is created when you first install SilverStripe through the Profile -> External Authenication tab, and it accepts the password fine and logs me in as the administrator.
If anyone has experience with this problem help would be much appreciated. I'll post if I find a solution on my own.