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Mollom - Captcha not showing

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Community Member, 1 Post

15 October 2014 at 10:03am

Edited: 15/10/2014 10:04am

Hi All,

I've installed Mollom and tried to implement a Captcha on 2 forms.

It appears that I have done this correctly and in a local environment I have them showing as expected.

When I go live I can't get them to show, under any circumstance.

In place of the Captcha Mollom has inserted an html comment

<!-- Mollom Captcha is not required at this stage, but we still validate against the API -->

From this you would think that Mollom just hasn't seen anything that it thinks is spam and isn't showing the captcha (as its suppossed to), except that I'm still getting a lot of spam through these forms.

Also, I am not logged in while I'm seeing the above.

First time using Mollom, help appreciated.
