I'd like to use the SWFUpload module to upload multiple files for a limited group of users. I've set up a page type following the tutorial on http://doc.silverstripe.org/doku.php?id=modules:swfuploadfield. It works as long as the page is available for public. But if my upload page is in a restricted area (login required) the following message is displayed:
"Log in. That page is secured. Enter your credentials below and we will send you right along."
I tried to add the session id as a parameter ('upload_url' => 'handleswfupload?PHPSESSID=' . session_id()) - same error. Using a hidden form field (new HiddenField('PHPSESSID', '', session_id()) in the FieldSet) also fails.
Btw: I'm using Firefox 3.0.11, just tested in IE and it works (!) even w/o any tricks.
What can I do? Please don't ask me to use IE ;-)
Greetings from Germany,