Can you give me your revision #'s for event_calendar and dataobject_manager? Are you on SS 2.3.3?
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I have the latest version of everything - dataobject, silverstripe 2.3.3, event_calendar.
There is someting wrong with calendar popup while editing date and time. The calendar popup does not appear with or without dataobject, perhaps there is a bug not related with dataobject and event_calandar but with javascript calendar popup?
Hi UncleCheese
I'm using Event Calendar and found some bug last time. All my events are placed under "Events"( Calendar type ) page, but there is one that is so important that it should be placed in separated top menu parent "Curses" ( Redirector page type ). I tried to place it under Curses(Redirector)->Problematic Event( Redirector ) to redirect to Events proper subpage but I'm getting error:
[Warning] file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: Filename cannot be empty
* file_get_contents()
Line 280 of SSViewer.php
* SSViewer::getTemplateContent(BreadCrumbs)
Line 2 of SSViewer.php(403) : runtime-created function
* __lambda_func(Array)
* preg_replace_callback(/<% include +([A-Za-z0-9_]+) +%>/,�lambda_3709,<!-- template /home/karibe/public_html/ijoga/themes/safenet/templates/Layout/ --> <% require css(themes/safenet/css/calendar.css) %> <% require javascript(event_calendar/javascript/calendar_core.js) %> <div id="content"> <div id="article"> <h1>$Title</h1> <div id="primaryContent" class="clearfix"> <div class="innerpad"> <div id="calendar-sidebar"> <div id="monthNav"> <span class="feed"><a href="$RSSLink"><% _t('SUBSCRIBE','Subscribe to the Calendar') %></a></span> $LiveCalendarWidget <h4><% _t('FILTERCALENDAR','Fitler calendar') %>:</h4> $CalendarFilterForm </div> </div> <div id="calendar-main"> <% if Level(2) %> <% include BreadCrumbs %> <% end_if %> <div class="vevent"> <% if OtherDates %> <div id="additionalDates"> <h4><% _t('ADDITIONALDATES','Additional Dates') %></h4> <dl class="date clearfix"> <% control OtherDates %> <dt><a href="$Link" title="$Event.Title">$_Dates</a></dt> <% end_control %> </dl> </div> <% end_if %> <% control CurrentDate %> <h4><a href="$ICSLink" title="Add to Calendar">$_Dates</a></h4> <% if StartTime %> <ul id="times"> <li>$_Times</li> </ul> <% end_if %> <% end_control %> $Content $Form $PageComments </div> </div> </div> </div> <% include BottomNav %> </div> </div> <!-- end template /home/karibe/public_html/ijoga/themes/safenet/templates/Layout/ -->)
Line 403 of SSViewer.php
* SSViewer::parseTemplateContent(<% require css(themes/safenet/css/calendar.css) %> <% require javascript(event_calendar/javascript/calendar_core.js) %> <div id="content"> <div id="article"> <h1>$Title</h1> <div id="primaryContent" class="clearfix"> <div class="innerpad"> <div id="calendar-sidebar"> <div id="monthNav"> <span class="feed"><a href="$RSSLink"><% _t('SUBSCRIBE','Subscribe to the Calendar') %></a></span> $LiveCalendarWidget <h4><% _t('FILTERCALENDAR','Fitler calendar') %>:</h4> $CalendarFilterForm </div> </div> <div id="calendar-main"> <% if Level(2) %> <% include BreadCrumbs %> <% end_if %> <div class="vevent"> <% if OtherDates %> <div id="additionalDates"> <h4><% _t('ADDITIONALDATES','Additional Dates') %></h4> <dl class="date clearfix"> <% control OtherDates %> <dt><a href="$Link" title="$Event.Title">$_Dates</a></dt> <% end_control %> </dl> </div> <% end_if %> <% control CurrentDate %> <h4><a href="$ICSLink" title="Add to Calendar">$_Dates</a></h4> <% if StartTime %> <ul id="times"> <li>$_Times</li> </ul> <% end_if %> <% end_control %> $Content $Form $PageComments </div> </div> </div> </div> <% include BottomNav %> </div> </div> ,/home/karibe/public_html/ijoga/themes/safenet/templates/Layout/
Line 324 of SSViewer.php
* SSViewer->process(CalendarEvent_Controller)
Line 349 of SSViewer.php
* SSViewer->process(CalendarEvent_Controller)
Line 172 of Controller.php
* Controller->handleAction(HTTPRequest)
Line 129 of RequestHandler.php
* RequestHandler->handleRequest(HTTPRequest)
Line 119 of Controller.php
* Controller->handleRequest(HTTPRequest)
Line 29 of ModelAsController.php
* ModelAsController->handleRequest(HTTPRequest)
Line 277 of Director.php
* Director::handleRequest(HTTPRequest,Session)
Line 121 of Director.php
* Director::direct(/kurs-nauczycielski-introductory-ii-2010-3/)
Line 118 of main.php
Do you have a include? If not, you shouldn't have that in your template.
No I have include under my /themes/mytheme/
<% if Level(1) %>
<% include BreadCrumb %>
<% end_if %>
After commenting it nothing change... error is the same
Right, but if includes/ doesn't exist, you shouldn't be including that template. That's what's throwing the error.
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