Hello I want to create a second menu independent of the first, but nn I can, someone can help me please.tank
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How do you mean independent? The Second Level will depend on what Level 1 page you are on. If you just want to show children of any parent page go
<% control Page(parent-page-url) %>
<% control Children %>
// will return the children of the parent-page-url page independent of what page you are on.
<% end_control %>
<% end_control %>
You can see more information about the menu controls on the wiki http://doc.silverstripe.com/doku.php?id=built-in-page-controls
Hello, not a submenu, but a completely different menu from the first. 1 sample menu: home - about - gallery - ETC.
Menu 2: FAQ - opensource - login - etc.
in different areas of the template.
You can assign a node to a different menu (Menu 1 or Menu 2) from backoffice?
solved tank