Works perfectly for me now. Thanks! :)
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I really like this module but can't use GPL code in my project. Would you consider an alternative license? Something more compatible with the BSD license would be great or I'd be happy to pay for a commerical license if it could remove the the GPL license.
Hi Dig,
could you sumarise the differences between the two (I really should know to be honest :s).
GPL is just kind of my defacto setting. I didn't really have a particular reason for choosing that one specifically :).
I'm not a IP lawyer by any means so here's an overview of my understanding of the licenses.
The BSD license is quite simple and straight forward and is the license that the core SilverStripe code uses.
The GPL is long and complex but the main difference between the two is that if you use GPL licensed code in a project and distribute that project then you must make the source code available as well. This covers the source code to the entire project, not just to the original GPL code i.e., all my other modifications, modules I've made for specific customers and don't want to or am not allowed to distribute freely etc.,
The BSD license requires you to keep the original copyright and license notices within the code and not assume endorsement by the original author but doesn't place many other restrictions or conditions on using and distributing the code.
In my opinion the GPL doesn't fit well with interpreted scripts like PHP in any case (every thing is 'source code'). But a more liberal license would allow me to use the Dashboard module in a project that includes proprietary code and have greater control over how the code I've written written is licensed.
If you are wanting people to return improvements to the Dashboard module back to the community then there are other licenses (not the BSD license) that can provide for this without forcing all users of the Dashboard module to release all their code if they distribute their product.
Maybe someone else can explain it a little clearer? :)
Agree that BSD is preferable from a community POV (SilverStripe is primarly supported by a commercial organisation after all) and more in the spirit of the OSS project in general, but it is entirely your choice Mo :). You'll probably get more uptake with BSD, but plenty of people have an ideological preference for GPL.
Sorry, in my long rambling post I did mean to mention that the choice of license is entirely up to you! Also just because the SilverStripe core is BSD licensed doesn't mean your module needs to be, you still have a choice of any license for your own intellectual property.
Hi Mo,
Your Dashboard works great. Great job!
I pulled the version from the trunk with the plugin options. Excellent!
I created a small plugin to test it : a small plugin to shows the visitors and pageviews from the last x days out of Google Analytics.
Much more data can delivered with the Google API. Will come soon, but this is a start. Maybe you like it.
I have some code with the weather from which can be easliy transfered to a Dashboard widget :).
I had some idea's for the DashBoard:
How about putting the plugin templates in their own folder and make it also seaching for a css file with the same name. In that way we can make really portable dashboard widgets: Stock Exchange Indexes, Routepanners, Twitterfeeds. Man, with extjs, we can bring complete webapps to the Silverstripe backend (if it doesn't clash).
I can remember that it was quite hard to get the dashboard to first menu position. Do you think it is posible to make an option to move the dashboard to CMSMain Right panel Or only show some of the plugins? In that way, we can choose to have all info and ie some global config info to the widget. See the picture in the attachment for what I mean.
Thanks for this mod!
Hi Mo, thanks for this fine and great working dashboard-module!
I have it running with SS 2.3.4 and everything is fine :-)