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Subsites and Templates

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2 Posts   783 Views


Community Member, 3 Posts

20 December 2014 at 3:21am


Long-time user, first-time poster.

I'm using subsites to manage a number of brands under a single group-company. This, by and large has been a great success. However, with things winding down for the holidays, I have taken it upon myself to move away from have a module AND a theme for each brand: historically, we've been maintaining two different git repositories for each brand, and now we have some version number mismatches, and a generally messy (for the developer) process of making changes across multiple different origins.

So, the crux of the matter: subsite1/templates/* and subsite2/templates/* are all present, however, all of the subsite2 templates are overriding the first subsite. i.e. the last-loaded subsite is displaying correctly. Any loaded before it are using the last set of includes ( etc).

Is there an easy way to tell each subsite module "hey, use THIS set of templates" without needing to fall back on the less-neat themes way of doing things and setting the theme for each subsite?


Community Member, 3 Posts

29 December 2014 at 10:31pm

OK, so one solution is simply to de-duplicate template file names across all the modules. i.e. the common file becomes and and so on.

I'd still like to know if there's some way I can trigger templates to load based on the http request, in the same way as we trigger different subsite content to load depending on the resolved URL using _ss_environment.php